miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

He said..

He said; i will wait for you under that tree, the one with branches in "Y" shape linked to the trunk, in the "Y" shape spot of that forest.. she thought to herself he was talking about them as a metaphor of their relationship.... two branches linked to the trunk..or perphaps a trunk and two branches diverted from it..
he said, there is no way of getting lost, i will leave some crumbs in the way as hints.. as traces, like that fairy tale he was read when a child, when he was scared of the darkness of the night ...and i will display some candles, moons and lighthouses..they will lead you to me, by my side.There is no way of getting lost, he repeated, i will always find you, and i will recognize you at once, even though you chose the wrong path, since there is no concept such as " wrong way", all roads take you to where i am, to where i was, to what i am..

silvers. february 2009

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